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A beam expander is an optical system designed to increase the diameter of a laser beam. In most cases, the term is taken to mean a telescope designed to take a small-diameter collimated beam input beam and produce a larger diameter collimated output beam, thus reducing the divergence of the beam. The beam expander consists of a negative input lens and a positive objective. The expansion factor is the ratio of the focal length of the two lenses.


  • Low power loss.
  • Precision laser machining: capable to provide a high power density focal spot.
  • Good output collimation.
  • Able to withstand laser power of more than 1000W.
  • Laser range finder: capable to provide a highly collimated beam.
  • Adjustable divergence angle of 18 to 32mrad with the variable beam expanders.
  • Combining with a spatial filter, able to modify laser power distribution.



  • These series beam expander are offered for UV, visible and infrared lasers respectively. Please inform us the wavelength before you place the order.

  • This beam expander is for beam with diameter of 4 ~ 10mm.